David Cameron announced his plans at his party conference last week. |
I totally agree with him that there are far too many people in this country living off their £50 a week dole money and blasting it all on cheap alcohol or any other harmful substances they can get their hands on, instead of using it for essentials. But once again a political party are regarding all young people as the same; not all of us take a trip into the city centre once a week walk into the job centre and claim our £50 without any sense of shame.
Myself; I work and I am proud to say that when I am talking to the older generation. Not because I am in a well paid job or I do something extraordinary but older people listen to politicians and newspapers who stereotype young people in the most negative of manners! We are not all brain dead slobs who sit at home all day watching Jeremy Kyle whilst smoking our 5th joint of cannabis.
Not all young adults are troublemakers for the economy. |
So if, and lets face it after putting some British families on the bread line it's a big if, David Cameron and his Conservative Party get another term and he does bring in this unreasonable proposal then what will unemployed young people do? If I was in their shoes firstly I'd press the panic button and apply for any job going - is that healthy? We all want to do a job we love but can any of us say we do a job we loathe? If we all did I'm sure a few more sick days would be taken. We already have enough depressed young people about, if they did jobs they despised then that number would take a steep rise. This in turn putting more pressure on what is already a fragile NHS.
If this proposal comes in then most young people, who are actively seeking work but can't find any, would be panicking. The people who Mr Cameron is aiming the proposal at are not panicking, they'll just turn to something else other than indirectly robbing off people - they will directly rob off people. If this proposal does turn into legislation then petty crime like muggings and snatching old ladies handbags will increase quite dramatically. Young people who are addicted to drugs will try every sly move to get money apart from the honest way: to actually work!
So what is the alternative substitute I can hear you screaming at me. So I propose this: All people that are claiming job seekers allowance (not just young people) should have to do volunteer work. Get people who are sitting on their bum all day doing nothing to work to earn their £50 a week. Many charitable organisations over the country are vying for volunteers. It gets people used to working and it might JUST MIGHT get people who are used to doing nothing to be proud of what they are doing; something good and are earning their money rather than just getting their money!
David Cameron needs to slightly re-think his proposal. There are too many people who think it is ok to live on benefits for their whole lives when they are more than capable of working. But to cut young people's benefits completely is incredibly harsh. This not only puts a strain on the young unemployed person but also the family of the young unemployed person as they then have to support another body. People are already feeling the financial pinch of with wages not increasing with inflation, quite rich when some MPs are claiming 3p expenses on taxpayers money.
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